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Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Sell to Your Market Via Your Ecomm Store & Make the Sale

If you have an ecommerce website that sells to a very defined niche in ecommerce like one student of mine who was selling groceries to immigrants taking residence in various countries, if you know how to properly target your market, you could make a decent amount of money in your online business.  If you have made only some sales, even without optimization, but have found that people are very willing to pay even for the shipping just to get a hold of your product, you definitely have something there. There is no reason why you should not be making steady sales if the demand is there. If you've properly researched your market and are certain that the demand exists, you have a goldmine business in the making. Ecommerce may seem a little more difficult then other online business models, but there are various marketing and traffic generating methods available to suit this type of model. So, what you can do to create more traffic and sales is use CPM advertising. This stands for Cost-Per-Thousand. And this refers to the amount of impressions you receive on your ad.

CPM advertising involves targeting websites related to your market. So, you're not targeting keywords as you would a Google AdWords campaign. It's entirely different. For example, if you have an ecommerce website selling Columbian groceries, look for websites that are Colombian-based, because that's your target market. So, anytime someone views your ad on this other Columbian website, it presents your business to them - potentially leading to a purchase. Your ads would be very relevant to the people in on that site because they're your target market. This is an example of a clearly defined deep niche ad strategy. So, consider CPM advertising if you have an ecommerce website that needs a boost in traffic.  However, advertising is not the only way to increase sales and conversions on your website. You have to also consider the look of your website. Where are things placed? For example, if someone lands on your ecommerce website, you need to lay your site out so that it makes sense to your market. Don't waste website space by thanking them for visiting your website. That's great, but give them something that's going to help them. They're there for a reason, so fulfill their needs. They're looking for authentic Columbian snacks and foods.
A great tip I'd suggest is listing popular or best selling items. Have an area on your home page that says;"Here's some of our bestselling products," bam and show pictures and prices there. Get your visitor interested. Don't simply have a picture of a bunch of grocery store staff loading a truck. That doesn't help your visitor. List your best selling items, new items and special offers on your home page with pictures. This grabs peoples attention and makes sales! Entice your visitor with offers using quality photos. Those are the things that need to be in the pictures on the front page. You need to separate your site from other similar websites selling the same things. What makes your website unique? You're the number one reseller of all this stuff they won't be able to find. So, that's the best way to lay out your site to increase your sales and conversions.

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How to Write a Free Classified Ad That Really Works For Your Business 
An alternative title for this article would be "The anatomy of a classified ad" but I thought the other title would work too.  You should read further only if you:
  • want to promote your website on the internet, for free
  • want to generate more leads for your business and get more clients
  • want to get people to know about you, what you do, what you sell, what you're good at
The adventures of a visitor to a classified ads website I wrote before about promoting your business with the help of classifieds ads and now it's time to write about how a classified ad has to be organized so it can bring you more results.  It doesn't matter how good the product you're selling is or how many ads you publish if the message can not be understood by the potential clients.  Let's think for a second about what happens with a visitor when he is browsing a classifieds website.
What does he do?
  • he is browsing the classifieds
  • he might filter by category or region
  • he is looking at the classifieds in the listing
  • the interest and attention to the classifieds listed is going down; after the first 3-5 pages he will abandon the browsing; most likely to succeed ads are the ones listed in the first half of the first page; we are talking about 10 ads at most
  • at each ad he will look first at the image, then at the title and then, if the ad looks interesting, he will look at the short description
  • if all looks good he will click to see your ad and you have won the first battle, the listings battle; now you have to win the ad page battle.
Let's consider the visitor clicked on your ad.As I said, this means only that you've won the first battle but not the war.  On the ad page the user actions are the following:
  • he already knows the title of the ad so he only checks it to see it he's on the right page
  • he looks at the image, then at the price, if available
  • scrolls down too look at more images
  • he gets back to the ad description and starts reading
  • he will read not more than 2 lines before he decides if he should read more or go browse for more ads
  • if he likes the ad he will look for either the contact form or a save functionality or send to email functionality
The anatomy of a classified ad Now we know what a visitor does on a classified ads website.  All that we have to do is write a good ad.
Let's define the parts of the ad:
  • The title
  • The main image
  • The price
  • The short description, usually the first 200-250 chars of the ad, also called the summary (part of the ad description)
  • The description of the ad (part of the ad description)
  • The characteristics (part of the ad description)
  • The closing of the ad (part of the ad description)
  • The image gallery
  • The contact details
The titleTop importance for the classified ad you are writing.  You should do some keywords research related to what you want to write about and include in the title those keywords but keep in mind that the title has to be read and understood by a human.  Also, do not write a huge title, restrain yourself to max. 160 chars.
The main image
It has to be your best image and it has to be an image that let's the user understand, from only one look, what your ad is about.
The price
If you have a range of prices put the lowest price, if you sell something in packs of 10 for example put the price for one item.  Never forget: the price has to be attractive and real.
The short description
Write here the essential about what's in your ad, trow in some keywords.  First 4-5 words are critical, it has to be the statement of your ad.
The description of the ad
Here you start by writing about yourself.  Then you write about the product you're selling.  Insert testimonials, proofs of what you say, expert quotes, etc.  Be descriptive. Explain all appropriate details.
The characteristics
This section has to be in table style; pairs of name - value with one pair per line.
The closing of the ad
Here you must include the conclusion of the ad, write again, in a sentence, what your ad is about, what good can do to the visitor.  Also, include a final call to action.
The image gallery
Include here images that provide details of your classified ad.  You shouldn't add more than 8-10 images.
The contact details
Always provide a link to your website. The link must be related to the ad, do not put the link to your index unless the visitor can find more details about your ad on that page.  Publish your email (create a special email account for such activities) and ensure you are using an email in the name + surname @ domain format not something like  Providing a phone number it's proof that you are serious about what you wrote.  I'm sure you all heard about the AIDA formula: A - Attention / I - Interest / D - Desire / A - Action. It's good to think about it when writing your ad. Find out more about me at and see the new classifieds website