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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Does ClickBank Wealth Formula Work For Newbies in Internet Marketing?

Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Sell to Your Market Via Your Ecomm Store & Make the Sale

If you have an ecommerce website that sells to a very defined niche in ecommerce like one student of mine who was selling groceries to immigrants taking residence in various countries, if you know how to properly target your market, you could make a decent amount of money in your online business.  If you have made only some sales, even without optimization, but have found that people are very willing to pay even for the shipping just to get a hold of your product, you definitely have something there. There is no reason why you should not be making steady sales if the demand is there. If you've properly researched your market and are certain that the demand exists, you have a goldmine business in the making. Ecommerce may seem a little more difficult then other online business models, but there are various marketing and traffic generating methods available to suit this type of model. So, what you can do to create more traffic and sales is use CPM advertising. This stands for Cost-Per-Thousand. And this refers to the amount of impressions you receive on your ad.

CPM advertising involves targeting websites related to your market. So, you're not targeting keywords as you would a Google AdWords campaign. It's entirely different. For example, if you have an ecommerce website selling Columbian groceries, look for websites that are Colombian-based, because that's your target market. So, anytime someone views your ad on this other Columbian website, it presents your business to them - potentially leading to a purchase. Your ads would be very relevant to the people in on that site because they're your target market. This is an example of a clearly defined deep niche ad strategy. So, consider CPM advertising if you have an ecommerce website that needs a boost in traffic.  However, advertising is not the only way to increase sales and conversions on your website. You have to also consider the look of your website. Where are things placed? For example, if someone lands on your ecommerce website, you need to lay your site out so that it makes sense to your market. Don't waste website space by thanking them for visiting your website. That's great, but give them something that's going to help them. They're there for a reason, so fulfill their needs. They're looking for authentic Columbian snacks and foods.
A great tip I'd suggest is listing popular or best selling items. Have an area on your home page that says;"Here's some of our bestselling products," bam and show pictures and prices there. Get your visitor interested. Don't simply have a picture of a bunch of grocery store staff loading a truck. That doesn't help your visitor. List your best selling items, new items and special offers on your home page with pictures. This grabs peoples attention and makes sales! Entice your visitor with offers using quality photos. Those are the things that need to be in the pictures on the front page. You need to separate your site from other similar websites selling the same things. What makes your website unique? You're the number one reseller of all this stuff they won't be able to find. So, that's the best way to lay out your site to increase your sales and conversions.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak's FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here:

How to Write a Free Classified Ad That Really Works For Your Business 
An alternative title for this article would be "The anatomy of a classified ad" but I thought the other title would work too.  You should read further only if you:
  • want to promote your website on the internet, for free
  • want to generate more leads for your business and get more clients
  • want to get people to know about you, what you do, what you sell, what you're good at
The adventures of a visitor to a classified ads website I wrote before about promoting your business with the help of classifieds ads and now it's time to write about how a classified ad has to be organized so it can bring you more results.  It doesn't matter how good the product you're selling is or how many ads you publish if the message can not be understood by the potential clients.  Let's think for a second about what happens with a visitor when he is browsing a classifieds website.
What does he do?
  • he is browsing the classifieds
  • he might filter by category or region
  • he is looking at the classifieds in the listing
  • the interest and attention to the classifieds listed is going down; after the first 3-5 pages he will abandon the browsing; most likely to succeed ads are the ones listed in the first half of the first page; we are talking about 10 ads at most
  • at each ad he will look first at the image, then at the title and then, if the ad looks interesting, he will look at the short description
  • if all looks good he will click to see your ad and you have won the first battle, the listings battle; now you have to win the ad page battle.
Let's consider the visitor clicked on your ad.As I said, this means only that you've won the first battle but not the war.  On the ad page the user actions are the following:
  • he already knows the title of the ad so he only checks it to see it he's on the right page
  • he looks at the image, then at the price, if available
  • scrolls down too look at more images
  • he gets back to the ad description and starts reading
  • he will read not more than 2 lines before he decides if he should read more or go browse for more ads
  • if he likes the ad he will look for either the contact form or a save functionality or send to email functionality
The anatomy of a classified ad Now we know what a visitor does on a classified ads website.  All that we have to do is write a good ad.
Let's define the parts of the ad:
  • The title
  • The main image
  • The price
  • The short description, usually the first 200-250 chars of the ad, also called the summary (part of the ad description)
  • The description of the ad (part of the ad description)
  • The characteristics (part of the ad description)
  • The closing of the ad (part of the ad description)
  • The image gallery
  • The contact details
The titleTop importance for the classified ad you are writing.  You should do some keywords research related to what you want to write about and include in the title those keywords but keep in mind that the title has to be read and understood by a human.  Also, do not write a huge title, restrain yourself to max. 160 chars.
The main image
It has to be your best image and it has to be an image that let's the user understand, from only one look, what your ad is about.
The price
If you have a range of prices put the lowest price, if you sell something in packs of 10 for example put the price for one item.  Never forget: the price has to be attractive and real.
The short description
Write here the essential about what's in your ad, trow in some keywords.  First 4-5 words are critical, it has to be the statement of your ad.
The description of the ad
Here you start by writing about yourself.  Then you write about the product you're selling.  Insert testimonials, proofs of what you say, expert quotes, etc.  Be descriptive. Explain all appropriate details.
The characteristics
This section has to be in table style; pairs of name - value with one pair per line.
The closing of the ad
Here you must include the conclusion of the ad, write again, in a sentence, what your ad is about, what good can do to the visitor.  Also, include a final call to action.
The image gallery
Include here images that provide details of your classified ad.  You shouldn't add more than 8-10 images.
The contact details
Always provide a link to your website. The link must be related to the ad, do not put the link to your index unless the visitor can find more details about your ad on that page.  Publish your email (create a special email account for such activities) and ensure you are using an email in the name + surname @ domain format not something like  Providing a phone number it's proof that you are serious about what you wrote.  I'm sure you all heard about the AIDA formula: A - Attention / I - Interest / D - Desire / A - Action. It's good to think about it when writing your ad. Find out more about me at and see the new classifieds website

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Google Slap Prevention Tips

Google is one of the biggest phenomenon's this world has ever seen. If you are looking to become a professional marketer then learning the in's and out's of Google will be essential to your long term success. Before you ever enter the world of Google there is some important information you need to know. Google is against marketers that have websites that are obvious sales letters for "work from home", and "get rich quick" opportunities. They are also putting the hammer down on affiliate marketers who are marketing with affiliate links. Gone are the days of replicated websites, capture pages, and affiliate marketing sales letters. This crackdown by Google is called the "Google Slap."  When marketing on the Internet always make sure you are thinking about what will make Google happy. Do whatever you can to make them your best friend. Don't ever try to cheat their system because they will find you and the repercussions will be costly. If Google catches anyone that violates their terms and conditions, they will face possible account suspension or could be banned for life. The Google slap is not fun. It can cripple a business.  The good news is if you give Google what they are looking for, you can have a very prosperous relationship with them for years to come.
Here are some important guidelines to follow if you are going to be marketing in the "work from home" and "affiliate marketing niche" and you want to avoid "The Google Slap".
1. Build your website on a blogging platform such as WordPress. It's best to have a self-fully hosted WordPress blog.
2. Make sure your site has a Google Sitemap.
3. Have pages on your site that include a home page, about page, and contact page.
4. Use the right keywords and meta tags on your site.
5. Register a domain name. Your domain name should generic and not cheesy or salesy. It's most effective to use your name as your domain which will help in personal branding.
6. Attach any affiliate links to a contact or resources page. It's best to not have affiliate offers posted all over your site.
7. Include an opt-in form from Aweber in a visible location which entices visitors to enter their email address in exchange for a valuable offer or return of information. Be very clear on what the offer or information is that you will be providing.
8. Have high ranking back links attached to your site from sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.
9. Outbound links. Have links to other high profile articles and websites.
10. Don't talk about money on your site. Money claims are a fast way to get Google slapped.
If you truly want to avoid the Google slap just give Google what they want. Provide them with good solid content such as blog posts, articles, and press releases, a website that's not a sales pitch or affiliate offer, attach high profile inbound and outbound links, and make your website easy to navigate. When a visitor goes to your website they should be able to find out about your story, your business, and leave with valuable and helpful information. If you give your prospect and Google what they are looking for, Google will be your best friend for life.
Following Google's guidelines is crucial to Internet marketing success. If you are looking to become part of a training system that will teach you how to be an Internet marketing expert visit Internet Marketing Secrets.

Video Marketing Strategies - Make High-Performing Videos Fast

If you're not including video marketing as one of your strategies, your missing the boat! Here's why... Its the only marketing method that puts you right out in front of people and makes you real to them. Its the top way to brand your face and voice, people are more willing to buy or join up with a person who has a face and voice to them. Your not just an ad somewhere in internet land, this allows you to break the dreaded credibility gap and up your sales conversions drastically.  Many sources say video marketing will be 85% of all the traffic online... So eventually you'll be forced to learn video marketing strategies, whether you like it or not! The top problem people have with video's is they don't know what to say, or in what format to actually be effective with it... I have been using a 4 step formula for conducting all my video's, no matter the niche! This well help you create video's that convert to targeted and qualified traffic immediately...

First you need a very powerful opening statement, which includes the problem your going to solve for them. This will hook them to stay, instead of clicking their back-button. Your opening statement should be like a headline on a squeeze page... "Stay tuned because Im going to show you exactly how to generate targeted traffic with video marketing strategies no one uses but me..." Get the point? After that you want to talk a little bit about your background and who you are. Make sure to make it in relation with what your about to talk about, this will brand you and give you authority in what your saying.  Once you have done that, now you can talk about the solution. You should sell the hole not the drill... What I mean by that is don't talk about your product or service features, talk about how their problem can be solved... Once you've established how they can solve their problem, give them a call-to-action! This can be your website, your phone number or maybe your email. It all depends on what your trying to accomplish. I usually send people to a targeted website where the can get the solution I talked about. Dwayne Phelps is one of top Internet Marketers, He Has Helped Thousands Of People Explode Their Businesses Online. Get His Free Internet Marketing Education Training Worth $1197

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Golden Rules to Make Online Marketing Work For You 

Many people are getting attracted towards the internet marketing as all the professionals of the marketing world are connecting to the customers with this medium. Due to such an important role that it plays, the demand for this is also soaring and so are the opportunities for people who are interested to make a living of internet marketing.  With the rise of experts in the field of online marketing there are many people who have many queries regarding to this online marketing. As this is gaining wide importance the competition and expectations is at rise. This is nothing but the explanation given by the failure that due to there irresponsible and unprofessional behaviour have lacked to come forward in this field.

These basics are very essential part of the online trade and thus needed to be completely understood. This field gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of time and place to conduct your job as per your convenience. People who are successful find it to be the greatest benefit but those who are not successful claim it to be the disadvantage. At a certain stage, people start taking this freedom and flexibility in work for granted and feel that they can do whenever they want resulting in there failures. Though internet marketing gives you great amount of freedom but you cannot lose discipline, if you do that, you can also bid farewell to your chances of success in the field.

Other fact which will lead to your success in web marketing is proper planning and evaluation capabilities. If you are not organized properly related to your work, then you will surely land up repeating same thing again and again which will increase the load of your job and you will not be able to give the results up to the mark. So in case you have a campaign that is well designed earlier it will work on well and letting you get desired results.  There is great time required to become successful even in a money spinning market like web marketing. You may have to toil overnights for many days in order to earn money in the web business and when the outcome is less you may not wish to continue in this market. But this is not the way as agreed there may be some slogging at the start but then eventually with passing time you can becomes successful and start earning heavily. In case you aim at making a good career with online marketing you will gt many opportunities coming your way but for this you only need to keep in mind the things that have been said above.
This is the end of this article on successful internet marketing. The value of this article would be met if you feel that you have benefited from reading it. Well, have you?

No-Cost Internet Marketing 

Internet marketing which is also known as web marketing, i-marketing, eMarketing, and online marketing, is the marketing of services and products over the Internet. The Internet has brought several unique advantages to the field of marketing which mainly include, lowering the cost of advertisements, bringing media to a worldwide audience and better capabilities for the delivery of information. The interactive nature of web marketing, both in terms of giving elicited responses and immediate responses, is a special quality of the medium.  One of the important things that should be known before stating or running any kind of online business is how to market online. There are two methods of doing online marketing. One is the free marketing and the other one is the paid marketing. In early days you could be led to think that the only method you could be successful with your Internet marketing hard work was by the way of paid marketing. But today the time and the world are changing. There are several ways that you can market your product and service very effectively for absolutely free of cost. You have to put a little more hard work into free Internet marketing than the paid, however the earning potential will be the same. It's just that in paid you don't have to put forth the same effort or time in marketing or advertising your product and services. Some of the free ways in which you can market your product and services online are as follows:

One of the finest ways to market your product is to start a blog and to get free traffic. Blogs will have banner ads and links which will lead your visitors to your sales page or sign up page. The second option would be of posting on Free Classified Sites, which gets excellent traffic. Some of the free classified sites are Back Page and Craigslist. You can also use social networking sites for marketing your product for free of cost. There are several other methods available for marketing your product for free. It does not matter which free Internet marketing option you go for, the ultimate aim should be to get maximum targeted traffic and increase sales so as to make a lot of money selling your products to worldwide customers.   Would you like to learn about what's new with internet marketing? If you want to hear about Lacey Lainne's hot internet marketing news, go to

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Succeeding With Internet Marketing 

One of the most stunning developments of the internet has been the fact that commerce online has succeeded beyond even the wildest of positive expectations. While most people assumed the convenience of purchasing online would prove quite attractive, few thought that the popularity of online purchasing would lead to $5+ billions of dollars of commerce on an annual global basis. And here is the absolute best part of all this: virtually anyone can become involved with internet marketing and make a significant amount of money with it. Some do not even have a product to sell per se. They will employ Pay Per Click (PPC) ads on their websites and generate revenues that way. Since many Pay Per Click management services are available, this process can be achieved relatively easily.  Does this make the process sound a little too easy? Well, the process is involved which means there are many steps and factors that go into whether or not an internet marketing venture is successful. And yes, there is a certain number of intangible factors that can go into the likelihood of succeeding with internet marketing. However, the process is no where near as tough as some assume as long as the common established methods of success are followed.

At the core of internet marketing strategies will be a properly designed, developed, and published website. The entire strategy of an internet marketing plan will revolve around people visiting a website and making a purchase. The days of strictly marketing via email without a supporting website are over. Actually, they have been over for a very long time. People are more interested in looking over a website prior to making a consumer purchasing decision. That means you will need a quality website and Pay Per Click Management to support your plan. There are no ways around this.  Of course, a website alone will not lead to immediate success at internet marketing. Just because a website is published and its URL is submitted through the internet does not mean that it will automatically draw attention since there are scores of other websites on the internet. As such, success will be based around drawing in a solid amount of traffic.

There are many ways traffic can be drawn into a website. And here is some even better news than just having a lot of variety to choose from to draw in a lot of traffic: you can hire a professional company to handle such tasks for you. A solid and reliable internet marketing service can take a number of steps that can be employed to boost the number of people that visit your site. Such people can then be converted into revenue generators.
The various processes that can be used to boost internet traffic include content writing, link building, and keyword selection. Why do it yourself when there are reliable professionals that you can employ to do such work for you and do it in an effective manner. So, why not look into such internet marketing services? They can be a great help.

Getting Ready For the New Year 

Well it is that time of year. The time of year where it seems like everyone is making New Year's Resolutions. You see it in every commercial especially in the health industry. You see ads for weight loss programs, exercise equipment, food supplements, gym memberships, home workout gyms and all types of fitness gadgets.  And why do you think we see all of these ads this time of year? It's because the same culprits who claim they are going to do something about their health every year go out and purchase all of this stuff. Every year they claim they are going to get in shape, loss weight, eat healthier, blah, blah, and blah but they don't do it.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe that most of the stuff you see on TV is probably effective. The only problem is most people don't have the right mindset to make it happen. You can have the best tools in the world to do the job but if you don't use it, it is worthless.

Same goes for having an Internet business. If you have all of the tools needed to succeed but you didn't put them to use, you won't make any money.  Now there are some people out there who have the right mindset and the right passion but they don't have all of the tools needed to succeed. Yeah they might have a website and they might have an autoresponder but is that everything they need to really explode their business? Can you truly be an elite Internet Marketer with just those two items? At some point, you'll have to expand your business and the tools you use to grow your business.  There are probably hundreds of thousands of people out there trying to start an Internet business and some will succeed but most will fail because they don't have ALL of the tools needed to compete in today's industry. They don't have the essentials that make the difference between being knowledgeable and profitable or just being "in business".

I think one of the most valuable tools you can have when it comes to being profitable online is training. I think this is so critical to a person's success that it should be #1 on the list when it comes to building a business. And not only should you have some good training, it should be training specific to your business. Don't go out and buy a program on pay per click if you are not focused on that.  Also, I believe your training should come in two formats: live and on demand. Live training gives you the opportunity to ask questions, see demonstrations and interact with your trainer. Participating in live training is probably the greatest motivator out there because you are right there in the trenches with your training and you are making things happen.
On demand training is awesome too because now you can go back and look at videos on how to do a specific task because we all know it's impossible to take perfect notes while participating in any form of training.  So as you embark on you new Internet business and you have the right mindset, make sure you get the proper training needed to go along with your tools so you will succeed without all of the growing pains others had to endure.  To learn about the necessary tools of a Successful Internet Marketer, go to and get your FREE 4-day training.